Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza

Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza

Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza is of my chef’s favorite menu to cook at home. Follow an easy guide on how to make this dishes and do not forget to share to social media. It’s time to cook!

Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza Summary

  • Recipe Name: Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza
  • Dish Type: Food
  • Food Type: Malay food

The Ingredients Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza

Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza is a must try recipe at home.

Main Ingredients for Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza

  • 2 cups rice
  • 1 piece chicken breast
  • 1 cube chicken stock
  • 2 inches ginger – sliced
  • Adequate water
  • 3 cloves onion – sliced
  • 1 tablespoon curry spice
  • Oil for frying
  • Salt to taste

Decorative Ingredients for Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza

  • Soup leave and scallions – sliced
  • Fried Onions (also known as Bawang Goreng)

How to Cook A Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza

Follow these easy steps on how to cook a Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza. Let’s begin with:

  1. Soak the rice for 1-2 hours. Let it dry first.
  2. Put rice, chicken stock cubes, ginger, onion, salt and enough water in a pot. Cook until rice is crushed and fluffy.
  3. The chicken is cut and cleaned. Mix with salt and curry spices.
  4. Heat oil in a pan and fry the chicken until crisp.
  5. Tear up the fried chicken and set aside.
  6. Put the rice porridge in a serving bowl and sprinkle with the torn fried chicken and garnish.
  7. Serve with soup.

Did you know?

Tips:If you like, you can add a little chicken frying oil.

Credit recipe: https://hanieliza.blogspot.com

Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza Reviews

Customer Reviews about Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza

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If you like to eat Bubur Ayam McDonalds, this is the menu that you would like to try to cook at home . Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza is our favorite dish to eat. Add more Bawang Goreng and some sweet or salt soy sauce and it taste so delicious.



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  4. For example, you can write as follows:-

“This Bubur Ayam Recipe by Chef Hanieliza is dedicated to my dear husband, Abdul Rahman bin Din, my beloved husband who is on duty at the Malaysia-Thailand border. When he finished work and returned home, he often told me to make this menu. He said it was his favorite menu.”

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