The Mystery of Kellie's Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia

Kellie's Castle Story Ghost Owner Batu Gajah Perak Malaysia

Kellie’s Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia is one of the most mysterious tale in Perak and was after its owner William Kellie Smith a Scottish planter. What is the end of this mystery? Click here for more info.

Kellie’s castle was named after its owner William Kellie Smith a Scottish planter. The castle was designed to replicate the great British Raj palaces in India with Moorish style arches and windows. He built the castle for his beloved wife, Agnes but was not completed when he died in 1926.

The Mystery of Kellie's Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia Summary

  • Attraction: The Mystery of Kellie’s Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia
  • Location: Perak, Malaysia
  • Attraction Type: Historical Building

Kellie's Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia from Official

About Kellie’s Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia

Kellie’s castle was named after its owner William Kellie Smith a Scottish planter. The castle was designed to replicate the great British Raj palaces in India with Moorish style arches and windows. He built the castle for his beloved wife, Agnes but was not completed when he died in 1926.

Kellie’s Castle was meant to be a home away from home for Scottish Planter, William Kellie Smith in the 20th century. Being far away from home, Kellie desired his new residence to be reminiscent of his home back in Scotland. The castle is perched on top of a hill in what used to be a rubber estate.

William Kellie Smith was an interesting man who was popular with his South Indian workers. Kind at heart, he erected a Hindu shrine for his workers on the castle premises. As a token of appreciation, his workers erected a statue of Kellie complete with a white suit and hat.

Kellie’s Sudden Death

Construction of this unique castle began in 1915. However, it came to an abrupt halt with Kellie’s sudden death in 1926. The solitary castle, looks almost surreal in these wild plantations of Perak, it projects a strong personality and an aura of mystery.

Recently, efforts have been made by the Perak State Government to rescue this magnificent structure from the encroaching foliage. Besides being haunted, the castle is believed to have hidden rooms and secret underground tunnels.

The road that leads to Kellie’s Castle follows the contours of the land in a dizzying, maze-like fashion, adding to the mystery and romance of the place.

The Mystery of Kellie's Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia from Official #2

Sejarah Kellie’s Castle, Batu Gajah Malaysia

Pada awal tahun 1890-an, pengusaha British juga telah membuka estet-estet getah di sekitar Batu Gajah. Antaranya ialah Ladang Kinta Kellas, Ladang Kinta Valley, Ladang Harewood, Ladang Sengat dan lain-lain. Antara pengusaha British yang paling terkenal di Batu Gajah ialah William Kellie Smith dan Alma Baker.

William Kellie Smith berasal dari sebuah kampung bernama Kellas di bahagian timur laut Scotland. Beliau datang ke Tanah Melayu pada tahun 1890 ketika berusia 20 tahun.

Semasa di Pulau Pinang, beliau berkenalan dengan Alma Baker, seorang kontraktor di Kinta. Beliau kemudiannya berjaya di Batu Gajah sebagai pengusaha ladang getah Kellas Estate, Kinta Kellas Estate, dan lombong bijih timah Kinta Kellas Dredging Company.

Kenali Kellie Smith dan Kellie’s Castle Secret Tunnel

Di zaman kegemilangannya, hartawan Kellie Smith telah membina sebuah bangunan yang besar dan indah bagi kediaman keluarganya. Bangunan yang diberi nama Kellas House mula dibina pada tahun 1910. Bangunan tiga tingkat itu dibina mengikut rupabentuk sebuah istana di India.

Tukang-tukangnya dibawa khas dari Madras. Bangunan yang mempunyai 14 bilik, sebuah cellar dan terowong rahsia itu juga akan dilengkapkan dengan lift iaitu yang pertama di Tanah Melayu. Di tingkat kedua, akan dibina sebuah padang tenis dengan lantai simen.

Berita mengenai bangunan itu pernah disiarkan dalam akhbar London Financier pada 15 September 1911. Akhbar itu menyifatkan rumah ketua pengurus Ladang Kellas itu mungkin yang paling unik di seluruh Timur Jauh, baik dari segi bentuk mahupun besarnya.

Spanish Flu dan Tarikan Kellie’s Castle

Apabila Perang Dunia Pertama tamat, sejenis wabak Spanish Flu merebak dari Eropah ke Asia, sampai Tanah Melayu dan juga Ladang Kellas. Ramai pekerja ladang dijangkiti wabak itu meninggal dunia. Ketua pekerja meminta Kellie Smith membina sebuah kuil supaya mereka boleh mendoakan keselamatan pekerja dari wabak tersebut.

Kellie Smith fasih bertutur bahasa Tamil dan Melayu. Beliau mengarahkan semua tukang yang sedang membina Kellas House supaya membina sebuah kuil baru di kawasan ladang berhampiran dengan jalan raya.

Di bumbung kuil itu terdapat sebaris patung dewa Hindu dan di tengah-tengah barisan tersebut terdapat sebuah patung yang memakai pakaian pengurus ladang bangsa Eropah dengan topi putih. Kuil tersebut masih digunakan oleh pekerja Ladang Kinta Kellas hingga ke hari ini.

Walau bagaimanapun bangunan Kellas House tidak dapat disiapkan pembinaannya apabila Kellie Smith meninggal dunia di Lisbon, Portugal pada 11 Disember 1926 ketika berusia 56 tahun.

Sungguhpun Kellas House atau Kellie’s Castle itu hanya seperti bangunan dalam keadaan ‘sedang dibina’, namun keunikannya menjadi salah satu tarikan pengunjung ke Batu Gajah kini.

Waktu Pembukaan The Mystery of Kellie’s Castle, Batu Gajah Malaysia

Istana ini dibuka kepada kunjungan awam dari jam 9.00 pagi – 6.00 petang (setiap hari).

Alamat The Mystery of Kellie’s Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia

Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai The Mystery of Kellie’s Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia sila hubungi :

Kellie’s Castle,
Batu 5, Jalan Gopeng,
31000 Batu Gajah

No. Tel. : 05-365 3381
No. Faks : 05-365 3420
Email :

Kellie’s Castle Entrance Fee

Bayaran masuk

RM5.00 (Warganegara)
RM10.00 (Bukan Warganegara)

The Mystery of Kellie's Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia from Wikipedia

Kellie’s Castle

Kellie’s Castle (sometimes also called Kellie’s Folly) is a castle located in Batu Gajah, Kinta District, Perak, Malaysia. The unfinished, ruined mansion, was built by a Scottish planter named William Kellie-Smith. According to differing accounts, it was either a gift for his wife or a home for his son.[citation needed] Kellie’s Castle is situated beside the Raya River (Sungai Raya), which is a small creek to the Kinta River.


In 1915, with the birth of his son and heir Anthony, Kellie-Smith started planning for a huge castle with Scottish, Moorish, and Tamilvanan Indian architecture.

Kellie-Smith brought in 70 craftsmen Tamilvanan from Madras, India. All the bricks and marble were imported from India, too. Included in the plan for the 6-storey tower was Malaysia’s first elevator, an indoor tennis court and a rooftop courtyard for entertaining.

During construction, a virulent strain of Spanish flu struck his workmen. When his workmen approached him to build a temple nearby, Kellie-Smith readily agreed. In return for his generosity, they built a statue of him beside the other deities on the lord murugan temple wall. It is believed that a tunnel was built to the temple from the castle.

(Descendants of the Tamil labourers brought over to Malaya to work on the mansion still live nearby even now.)

William Kellie-Smith died at the age of 56 of pneumonia during a short trip to Lisbon, Portugal in 1926. William’s wife was devastated and decided to move back to Scotland; construction on the castle was never completed by Tamilvanan workers. In the end, Kellas House, later known as “Kellie’s Folly” or “Kellie’s Castle,” was sold to a British company called Harrisons and Crosfield.

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The Mystery of Kellie's Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia Reviews

Customer Reviews about The Mystery of Kellie’s Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia

Who haunts Kellie's Castle?

The Mystery of Kellies Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia

Looming over the Batu Gajah countryside, Kellie’s Castle is an imposing brick structure to behold. It was built by Scotsman William Kellie Smith, who made his fortune in the rubber plantations of Malaysia.

The mansion featured a tower, hidden tunnels, claustrophobic spiral staircases built as escape routes and what could have been the country’s first elevator. But Smith never finished the castle. He contracted pneumonia on a trip back to Europe to collect his elevator and died in Lisbon, aged 56.

The castle was left to ruin before it was refurbished and opened to the public by the government. Some visit to see a piece of history while others come to find its possible supernatural inhabitants.

The Malaysian Insight was given a special after-dark tour of the castle by its current manager, Zamari Muhyi, who regaled us with spooky tales that he and guests have experienced.

After Smith’s death, his wife sold the estate and packed up her family to return to England. Despite sightings of apparitions believed to be Smith and his little girl, Helen, none of them died in Malaysia. So who really haunts Kellie’s Castle?


Kellie's Castle, Perak, Malaysia

The Mystery of Kellies Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia

Project Kellie was shot at Kellie's Castle, Perak, Malaysia.

Kellie's Castle was meant to be a home away from home for Scottish Planter, William Kellie Smith in the 20th century. Being far away from home, Kellie desired his new residence to be reminiscent of his home back in Scotland. The castle is perched on top of a hill in what used to be a rubber estate.

William Kellie Smith was an interesting man who was popular with his South Indian workers. Kind at heart, he erected a Hindu shrine for his workers on the castle premises. As a token of appreciation, his workers erected a statue of Kellie complete with a white suit and hat.

Construction of this unique castle began in 1915. However, it came to an abrupt halt with Kellie's sudden death in 1926. The solitary castle, looks almost surreal in these wild plantations of Perak, it projects a strong personality and an aura of mystery.

Recently, efforts have been made by the Perak State Government to rescue this magnificent structure from the encroaching foliage. Besides being haunted, the castle is believed to have hidden rooms and secret underground tunnels.

The road that leads to Kellie's Castle follows the contours of the land in a dizzying, maze-like fashion, adding to the mystery and romance of the place.


Contact Kellie's Castle Batu Gajah Malaysia

Kellies Castle, 31000 Batu Gajah, Perak
Tel : 05-365 3381
